

Your signature today could create the next Kananaskis this year!

Kananaskis is one of the greatest outdoor assets in Southern Alberta. It is our local escape to nature where we can enjoy outdoor activity away from the bustle of Banff.

What if I told you that that there is another area, like Kananaskis, on the verge of being protected? There is and we need your help now. The Bighorn is Alberta’s next Kananaskis. It is the missing piece between Banff and Jasper and will be another amazing outdoor asset for us to enjoy. The government knows the value of a wildland provincial park in the Bighorn, but they need to hear from people like you—Albertans who value places like this—in order to announce this as a protected area.

We need your voice today to help create a new park, the Bighorn. With a provincial election happening around the spring of 2019, we need this government to legally protect this area before that time. The time is now.

Go to and sign on. All it takes is two minutes.

Share this with your friends and family. You could help leave an outdoor legacy, a new protected area for Albertans, this year.

Learn more about this area!

To support this effort, GO TO TODAY!

Yours in conservation,
