Our Work


Photo Credit: Lain Reid

Let’s work together to build a wild, healthy and resilient Alberta.

In Southern Alberta, we are surrounded by spectacular wilderness areas—from mountain peaks and valleys to grasslands and open rangelands. Since 1967, CPAWS Southern Alberta has worked to preserve this natural heritage for future generations.

When nature thrives, we thrive.

Thriving ecosystems support biodiversity, provide natural solutions for climate change impacts, and promote a resilient Alberta. Not only do healthy ecosystems benefit our landscape, but they benefit us. They provide us with clean water, support our communities and economy, supply us with food, protect us from natural disasters, and allow us to recreate and enjoy Alberta’s landscape.

Photo Credit: Andrew Bherer  

Take Action

Learn how you can take action for Alberta’s natural spaces TODAY.

You play a vital role in protecting Alberta’s lands and waters. You want your children to know the same Alberta experiences that you did. You want them to have the same opportunities for safe recreation in a landscape that promotes positive mental and physical well-being.We are committed to working with our partners, Indigenous communities, and stakeholders on this mission. But we can’t do this without you.By taking small, everyday actions, you can make a difference. Your voice can help keep Alberta wild. Let’s work together to protect a landscape that we can be proud of.

We work to build connections

We bring Albertans together to fight for our shared landscape. We work to amplify local Albertan voices to give them the power to be the voice for wilderness and communities. Our wide network across the province allows us to develop and lead partnerships across all sectors, non-profit, businesses, and government, and Indigenous groups to ensure everyone’s values are respected.

Now is the time to give back.

By protecting these special places, we can make sure they are functioning, resilient, and diverse. Join CPAWS Southern Alberta in celebrating these landscapes and taking action to protect them. Learn more about our current and past campaigns below.