

Rocky Mountain Culture: Supporting CPAWS

Rocky Mountain Culture, is a brand new lifestyle company that has chosen to support the work we do at CPAWS by donating a portion of their proceeds to work right here in southern Alberta. They have a special deal for friends of CPAWS.

In their words:

Rocky Mountain Culture symbolizes love and appreciation for our vast Canadian mountain ranges. From the West Coast of Van​​​​couver to the rolling Foothills of Alberta, from the Southern peaks of The Kootenays to the Saint Elias Mountains in Yukon, we are all part of a culture that has made Western Canadian a beautiful place to call home.

We are proud to live the mountain lifestyle, and we’d like to share it with wildlife and people alike for generations to come. That is why we are so honored to be working with CPAWS in three different regions of the Rockies to help preserve our natural landscape. RMC will be kicking back 10% from all profits to the respective CPAWS chapter that each sale is made in. Not only will you be wearing the comfiest outdoor clothing made in Canada, you’ll be directly helping to preserve your own mountain ranges close to home.

It is our responsibility to protect what we love; this is the core value behind RMC. After all, this is more than a lifestyle, it’s in our nature!

Discount code: CPAWSFRIEND – Good for 10% – indefinitely.