
Forest Stewards


At first glance, you may look at the forests in Alberta’s foothills and see an endless expanse of trees. But behind the scenes, a complicated harmony of ecological processes are taking place, connecting the diversity of life found within.

These processes are key for maintaining healthy forests. Healthy forests help connect wildlife, support healthy watersheds, fight against climate change, and provide us with recreation opportunities.

Because forests give us so much, we need to become effective forests stewards to help them thrive. But first, it is important to learn more about how they work. Use these resources to learn about how our forests interact with natural forces such as water, fire, and carbon.

Use this knowledge to become an Alberta Forest Steward and advocate for the conservation of our forests!

Summary Booklets


Fire & Forests

Why is fire such an essential process in Alberta forests? With so many of Alberta's wildlife and vegetation depending on fire for survival and for promoting a diverse habitat, fire is an irreplaceable process. Read on to find out exactly why.

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Water & Forests

From streams, creeks, and rivers to vegetation and soil — water is found everywhere in forests. Learn about the journey of water in Alberta's forests and the threats to this essential process. 

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Carbon & Forests

Did you know that our forests can help fight against climate change? Mature, healthy trees are excellent at taking up and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and helping to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases.

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Research Papers

The Effects of Forest Harvest on Hydrology

Examining the Effects of Logging on Hydrological Processes, Streamflow, and Flood Risk in Alberta’s Southern Eastern Slopes

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Does Logging Stop Fire?

An Examination of Forest Fire Risk in Relation to Clearcut Logging on the Southern Eastern Slopes of Alberta

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Does Clearcut Logging Emulate Fire?

Examining the Key Differences Between Fire and Clearcut Logging in the Southern Eastern Slopes of Alberta

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