Download our environmentally themed BINGO games for great ideas on how to connect youth with their landscape.
- Climate Game Changers Bingo (Elementary – High School)
- Grizzly Bear Action Bingo (Junior High – High School)
- Discover Parks Action Bingo (Junior High)
- Species at Risk Action Bingo (Elementary)
- Trees and Forests Action Bingo (Elementary)
- Water Rangers Action Bingo (Elementary)
More Bring Nature Home for Teachers
Bring Nature Home is our online database of tried-and-tested CPAWS Southern Alberta activities! Here are some ways that you can bring nature home (or to the classroom) today!
An uncertain future: investigate species distribution
Compare the historical and present distribution in North America of several large carnivores and try to deduce what changes have…
Habitat Stretch and Shrink
Bring nature home with this fun environmental education activity! In Habitat Stretch and Shrink experience habitat loss and its ecosystem…
Pollinator Quadrant Study
Identify and record sightings of local small insects/animals and submit to community science.…