Canadian Rockies Youth Network

Engaging Youth for the Future of Conservation

The Canadian Rockies Youth Network (CRYN) is a leading Alberta educational initiative, inspiring increased student participation in conservation, supporting youth-led action projects, and championing the influential role of youth voices in decision-making processes throughout the Canadian Rockies.

Our dedicated team of passionate youth, rooted in Alberta, actively promotes and fosters youth engagement in park activities and environmental issues. With a mission to ensure meaningful youth involvement in park management decisions that shape their future and generations to come.

CRYN has been supported in part by CPAWS since 2019. Together, we connect youth to the landscapes they aim to protect, raising awareness about pressing environmental challenges. Through this process, we empower youth with the skills and tools they need to take impactful action. Join us in building a future where the Canadian Rockies thrive through the commitment and enthusiasm of our youth.


CRYN operates on a foundation of four key pillars, reviewed annually by the Youth Committee. These pillars serve as the guiding principles for annual events and environmental initiatives, shaping the overarching vision of CRYN.

Connection, Collaboration, & Community

Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Indigenous Knowledge & Engagement

Creating Change with Youth Action



Supporting young Albertans to become environmental leaders

Youth Leadership in Conservation

Youth engagement in conservation is a crucial pathway for young individuals to acquire essential knowledge, resources, and skills, setting the stage for them to become the next generation of conservation leaders. Offering more opportunities for youth to develop these skills, especially during high school, is important, as many begin exploring potential careers and post-secondary programs during this time. The skills, knowledge, and resources obtained through participation in programs like CRYN not only contribute to nurturing the next wave of environmental advocates but also prove transferable to various fields.

Elevating Diverse Voices and Views

As our society undergoes transformations, the future of conservation is also evolving. Effectively addressing systemic issues requires the inclusion of individuals who have traditionally been excluded from conservation discussions. The involvement of youth in conservation is crucial to ensure the recognition and value of diverse perspectives and voices.

This active engagement empowers young people with the right and role in decision-making processes that directly impact both them and our society. Moreover, it equips them to advocate proficiently for the protection and restoration of nature. Notably, CRYN, through their Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) initiatives, has long championed increased representation from diverse groups. Over its history, CRYN has seen success in adapting their program and events to be an accessible and open space for youth from various backgrounds.

The CRYN Summit

CRYN Program, Fall to Spring

Community Networking and Educational Events > Youth Summit > Youth Action Project Celebration > Youth Planning Committee Transition and Retreat

The Canadian Rockies Youth Summit stands as an annual event planned, organized, and hosted by the dedicated members of the CRYN Youth Committee. It serves as a platform for youth to engage in experiential learning, focusing on vital topics such as nature conservation, climate change, outdoor recreation, reconciliation, and parks management.
Since its inception in 2019, the Canadian Rockies Youth Summit has been a testament to student leadership, with every aspect of the event being entirely and uniquely driven by students.

Supported by the Calgary Foundation, students have worked collaboratively to curate enriching learning experiences, establish valuable networks, and organize events that resonate with fellow students across the province. CPAWS Southern Alberta and our partners The Howl Experience are proud to support the Canadian Rockies Youth Summit that inspires, educates, and empowers the next generation of environmental stewards.
