In recent months, we’ve explained how the convoluted definitions of Critical Habitat, the flawed Species at Risk permitting process, and lobbying by the forestry industry have made Critical Habitat protections for native trout ineffective.
Today, we are excited to release Native Trout Critical Habitat Loss in Southern Alberta.
This report quantifies the startling extent of habitat loss caused by forestry operations in the South Saskatchewan River Basin, which contains most remaining Westslope Cutthroat trout habitat and a significant proportion of remaining Bull trout habitat.
To conduct the research, we used Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis to estimate the amount of Critical Habitat loss that has occurred since the publication of species’ recovery strategies in 2019/2020. We found large numbers of stream crossings caused Critical Habitat destruction, but none had a SARA permit. We also found hundreds of hectares of riparian Critical Habitat lost due to insufficient protections on smaller watercourses.
The Critical Habitat protections under the Species at Risk Act must be fully implemented and enforced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada to prevent further losses and to safeguard the future of these species.
This work shows how Fisheries and Oceans Canada have systematically failed to enforce legal protections for threatened native trout habitat in the Eastern Slopes and the department must take immediate action to ensure on-the-ground protections are in place.
Josh Killeen
Conservation Science and Program Manager, CPAWS Southern Alberta
Read the Report
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