Combine nature and wellness in this simple meditation.


Find wellness and mindfulness with time in nature, or “vitamin N,” and learn simple meditation and grounding techniques with different nature elements!




Health & Wellness
Outdoor Education

Person holding a yellow leaf


Personal growth and well-being

Creativity and Innovation


Coniferous tree cone

Seed (any nut still in its shell)

Glass gem (any clear rock or pebble)

Pebble or small river rock


30 minutes


  • Have participants sit down, preferably outside in a backyard or a local park.
  • Designate a leader to run the meditation and read the below script.
  • Through the leader’s guidance, each participant will discover how each element (seed, rock, accord, glass gem) represents some form of wellness


Invite the group to reflect on the experience and how they might return to nature mindfulness again. Extend the activity through reflective journaling or a group discussion. Some possible reflective questions:

  • How did you feel before, during and after the meditation?
  • Did you feel particularly connected to one of the nature elements?
  • What lessons can we take from each element?
  • How might you find nature mindfulness regularly in your own life?


Wild Within – An elemental, wellness meditation

The “whys” behind choosing…

… an almond seed… like a seed, everyone has everything they’ll ever need inside themselves to be absolutely who they are meant to be. Conditions may influence us – both positively and negatively. But in the end, we are as nature intended – exactly enough. There is no rush. We are alive, we are growth, we are potential…
… a river rock… rock is defined by its layers, its history, its stories. A rock’s stories are vast and ever-unfolding – from drastic events and eruptions to day-to-day erosion and daydreaming. Everyone’s story layers are unique and individual. Stories are vaults of support, learning, and strength…
… a glass gem as water… if you have seen the surface of a lake when it’s very still, you will have noticed that it reflects the mountains, clouds, and trees around it perfectly. When you are calm, when you are still, you see things as they truly are. You don’t distort things. When you are not calm, it’s easy to become confused and angry. With calm water we cultivate stillness, calm, and reflection…
a spruce cone as space… a cone is matter fused with space. And, space is freedom. And, freedom is the foundation of true happiness. In cultivating space for yourself, you allow yourself room to grow, room to succeed, room to make mistakes. When you love someone, offering them space within and around them – space to themselves – gifts them space to be happy in who they are. All of us need space inside and around us to be truly happy, to be truly free.

Taking hold of the seed:

Breathing in, I am a seed.
Breathing out, I am alive and complete.
Seed, Alive

Taking hold of the rock:

Breathing in, I am a rock.
Breathing out, I am strong in “my story”
Rock, Strong.

Taking hold of the glass gem:

Breathing in, I am a water.
Breathing out, I reflect things as they truly are.
Water, Reflecting.

Taking hold of the spruce cone:

Breathing in, I am a space.
Breathing out, I am free.
Space, Free.

Adapted from:
A Handful of Quiet: Happiness in Four Pebbles
By Thich Nhat Hanh