
Youth Experiences

Inspiring youth conservationists

CPAWS Southern Alberta provides curriculum-linked environmental education for Kindergarten to Grade 12. Our award-winning experiences are diverse, highly interactive, and most importantly, FUN!
There are so many ways to get learning! And whether you're booking a classroom visit, an outdoor experience, or a combination of both, book today by clicking the button below or keep reading to learn more about our experiences and the different themes offered.
Not sure which experience is right for you? Scroll down to explore each theme.

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Education Grade Levels


These rentable kits provide educators with specialized equipment and lesson plans to facilitate experiential learning through citizen science!

Community Science

Connecting with and protecting nature through technology. Community Science inspires students to collaborate with real scientists.

Wild Wellness

Every day, scientists are discovering more ways that time in nature helps us think and feel better. Help your students or youth groups get their daily dose of Vitamin “N”!

Why Grasslands?

Alberta’s grasslands give us so many gifts yet less than 2% of it is protected. Why Grasslands? will help you discover and meet your prairie home again, for the first time.

Water Rangers

Empowering students to take the health of our water and watersheds in their hands. Take a virtual journey downstream with CPAWS.

Aquatic Field Study

Using modern field equipment, chemical testing and field guides, students will engage in this hands-on exploration of a local aquatic ecosystem.

What Our Educators Think

  • The CPAWS guide (Vanessa) was incredible!! She was amazing with connecting with the newcomer kids and made the content perfect for their age and language levels.

    - Foothills Immigrant Community Services
  • Sheri’s expertise, enthusiasm and encouragement allowed them to truly interact with their grasslands. Allowing games to act as a vehicle for curriculum kept everyone engaged and allowed for deep learning connections. They all wanted to answer and ask questions, because your program allowed them to each find their own learning spark on the landscape. Moments of hands-on, independent discovery are powerful.

    - Kelsey Galbraith, Grade 5 Teacher, Livingstone School, Lundbreck, AB
  • “The presenter did a great job engaging the students in the material she was presenting. Excellent activities done in the classroom with the students. Additionally, the hike was great! The hike leaders were very knowledgeable and again engaged all the students in various activities to reinforce their understanding. Myself and all my students thoroughly enjoyed the program!”

    – Grade 7-9 teacher, Omar Bin Al Khattab School
  • “Amazing facilitators/educators. I loved how connected they became with the groups, checking in on each of us, providing more scientific knowledge and background and really engaging the children in the learning! Also, after the program, the time during the child surveys watching the connection and how the leaders spoke with a couple of the children was beyond incredible. It is evident how passionate, caring, and wonderful they both are! I loved that, even though some of the scientific language was large the explanation came to help the children understand and really love nature and the natural world!”

    – Ms. Langman, K-3 Educator, Boys and Girls Club of Cochrane
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What Our Students Think

  • Thank you CPAWS for the best day EVER! I loved it! I wish I could do the same thing all over again a million times!!

    - Grade 4 Student, Livingstone School, Lundbreck, AB
  • My favourite part? Well, it was everything, because everything was outside. School is just better outside!

    - Grade 4 Student, RancheView School, Cochrane, AB
  • ”Thank you for this presentation and thanks again for making me learn about the world's water and for making me to have more interest in Science! Thank you!”

    – Grade. 5 student, Black Gold School Division
  • “The best part of the program was the interactive understanding they provide for the current issues in climate change”

    – Grade 12 student, James Fowler School
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