Canadian Wilderness Stewardship Program

Current Projects

2021/2022 Participant Projects

Learn more about the projects developed by the 2021-2022 group, and how you can support their work.


Peaks, Pits, and Prairies

Emma Chong

A pilot program providing Alpine Club of Canada leaders with the knowledge to raise awareness about the reliance and impact that alpine ecosystems have on Southern Alberta’s threatened spaces. 

Cpaws - Plant's Eye View

Magic Seeds

Brittney Wynnyk

Biophilia is the idea that we as humans are innately connected to our natural world and the other creatures with which we cohabitate. Integral to reestablishing this feeling of connectedness is fostering a sense of stewardship and reciprocity. The planting of proverbial and literal seeds – and magic ones, at that.

Cpaws - Plant's Eye View

Our Rivers Run Through It:  Keeping the Crowsnest’s Water Clean from Coal 

Madeleine Gustavson 

This audio episode of approximately an hour long gives an overview of coal’s history, waning, and resurgence in the Crowsnest Pass region in Southern Alberta. The conservation focus discusses past and current impacts of coal development on the region’s water, with a transgression to BC’s Elk Valley as an example of development gone awry.  

Cpaws - Plant's Eye View

We are the Watershed

Sarah Knude 

Engaging with outdoor recreationalists to encourage advocacy to protect the great outdoors. Recreationalists will go out to explore the Crowsnest Pass on skis, while learning about the threats that coal mining poses to the land, water, and air. 

Cpaws - Plant's Eye View

Protect The Rocky Mountains from Coal Mines Through Education 

Leo Sainarin 

Coal mines are a huge risk to the Rocky Mountains, especially with water contamination. With the coal policy no longer in effect, we all need to stand up against the government and reinstate the policy. Though, majority of citizens may not be aware of the dire effects of this policy. This is why, through education, we can attract the casual citizens to make them more aware of the situation, how it will affect themselves and nature, and how to stand up against it.




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