Ever wonder why the world just feels better on a sunny day — or even a rainy day for that matter, if you’re outside? Recent research confirms that our well-being is entwined with our connection to nature.
What’s the secret to being an environmentalist?
What does it mean to be an environmentalist? How can we create a more welcoming and inclusive community of environmentalists?
Albertans Are Ready to Move on From Coal
This past year, 2021, has seen a battle play out for the future of Alberta’s Eastern Slopes. Communities have risen up in opposition to coal development, galvanizing Albertans like never before.
We’ve got 150,000 reasons to celebrate today!
Our environmental education programming has officially engaged over 150,000 participants!
Toolkit for effective action
Taking political action or communicating with your elected officials doesn’t have to be a daunting task! If you are passionate about an issue, we want to make sure you have all the tools you need to be heard. Check out our tips and resources below to help you form your conversation, or get your letter started.
How to Write a Letter to Your MLA
Writing a letter gives you the opportunity to take political action and be heard. You don’t need to be an expert to communicate with your politicians regarding issues you are passionate about. The biggest single impact from a letter is that you have taken the time to send it.
Some Things Should Never Change: Keeping the Wilderness Wild in Banff National Park
SKOKI, written in black ink in my worn leather journal, it had been part of my bucket list. Imagine the excitement when my partner called … Read More
Park Closures: Vexing but Necessary
So you have been waiting all week for the weekend to get out onto the trails in Banff or K-Country. You poured over your maps … Read More
How to be safe in bear country
When enjoying the glorious wilderness places of Southern Alberta, having the awareness that we share all this land with the beautiful Alberta wildlife is essential in … Read More
Paddling the North Saskatchewan River
Experiencing the North Saskatchewan River through a three day canoe trip.