Learn about a favourite and 'mail' your affections forward!
It is always exciting to receive a postcard from a friend or relative! So, why not connect with someone important in your life and share the stories and importance of Alberta’s amazing Species at Risk (SAR)?
Social Studies
Managing Information
Creativity and Innovation
Cereal box
Blank paper
Glue stick
Coloured pencils, pens or markers
Mail stamp (optional)
60 minutes
- Cut boxboard and 2 pieces of scrap paper down to ‘postcard’ size (approx. 4X6inch or 10.16 X 15.24cm), and glue paper pieces to either side of boxboard.
- Have fun visiting the suggested online resources (see above), and choose one or two SAR creatures or plant stories to share with a special someone.
- Next, choose and find out the address of your special someone.
- On one side of your postcard, draw a picture of your chosen Alberta SAR creature or plant, on its own, close up or inside its natural habitat.
- On the other side of your postcard, draw a line down the centre…
- Space on the left-side of the card is where you’ll greet and tell your special someone 3 to 4 interesting facts or ideas about your SAR creature or plant. Be sure to use ‘juicy’ words and don’t forget to date and sign you name.
- Space on the right-side of the card is where you’ll place or draw a stamp (top, right-hand corner) and write out your special someone’s name and full address.
- Mail or hand-deliver your Alberta Species at Risk “work of heart.”
Throughout activity, enjoy discussion raised by the following expansion questions…
- What does having the label ‘Species at Risk’ really mean?
- How does a creature or plant become considered ‘at risk’?
- Why do some species become ‘at risk’ and others don’t?
- Beyond raising awareness via your postcard, what more can be done to help Alberta Species at Risk?
More Bring Nature Home for Families
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