Learn how small animals survive the cold Canadian winters.
As strange as it sounds, staying beneath the snow is actually a great way for animals to stay warm in the winter! Join CPAWS educator Lisa to learn all about the Subnivean Layer, and how some small animals, like mice and voles, use it to get through the winter.
More Bring Nature Home for Families
Bring Nature Home is our online database of tried-and-tested CPAWS Southern Alberta activities! Here are some ways that you can bring nature home (or to the classroom) today!
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Frog!
Learn about the growth and development of the Northern Leopard Frog, and how this species at risk is impacted by…
Home Electricity Audit – Elementary
Decreasing your carbon footprint is easy! With our home electricity audit you and your family can easily become more energy…
Musical Cranes
Learn about the importance of wetland habitats, and how protecting wetlands can help the whooping crane, a species at risk…