canadian wilderness stewardship program

Current Projects

Photo Credit: Christopher Landry

Cowboy in the Grasslands

Hadeel Abbas

Conserving Alberta’s Grasslands: A Win for People and the Planet

Conservation discussions have long focused on only advocating for the protection of ecosystems from degradation. This video project will educate viewers on the connections between the loss of grasslands and social injustices, as well as, the importance of frontline communities leading grassland conservation efforts. Watch this mini documentary to learn about the importance of conserving Alberta’s native grasslands for people and the planet!  Learn more.

Jaclyn Angotti Profile Picture


Mallard Point Riparian Health Improvement Project

This project that I have created is to help increase the biodiversity along some of the riparian areas located southeast of Mallard Point. The project is about planting 50 - 70 balsam poplar trees in some of the open riparian areas. The purpose of the trees is to increase habitat for songbirds, insects, and to improve the stability of the riverbank during floods. Many poplar trees along Fish Creeks east end are reaching the end of their lifecycle since most of those trees are between 70 to 100 years old. The young planted poplars will help mitigate the loss of some of the aging trees. Learn more.
Jaclyn Angotti Profile Picture

Ahmed Mahmoud

Make the Grasslands Your Next Destination

Many residents of Alberta choose to spend their leisurely time in the Rocky mountains and surrounding foothills. This video was created to inspire people to visit the fragile grasslands ecosystem of the Red Deer River. Learn more.

Kat Graves

Marie-Jeanne Reid

Rewilding our Spaces

Diversifying and reintegrating the native species of plants surrounding us is such an important factor in reconnecting socially, and environmentally to the natural world. As humans, whose existence depends on the ecosystem of grasses, shrubs, flowers, birds, bees and everything in between. Our monocultures desperately need replacing – rewilding. By gathering resources and displaying exactly how it can be done, anyone will be able to learn how to rewild. Learn more.

Vanessa Bilan Profile Picture

Hala Said

Get to Know the Grasslands

A short series of Instagram posts geared towards adults/youth peers on the Southern Alberta Grasslands region, its importance and how we can all be involved in grassland conservation. As well as a guided nature walk at Nosehill park to encourage my community to see and appreciate the grasslands up close. Learn more.
Sheri Tarrington Profile Picture


Calgary: A Sprawling Obsession

We propose to produce a podcast miniseries that will discuss the question of urban sprawl and its effect on the conservation of biodiversity in the region of Calgary, its consequences in terms of growing natural risks for the resident of the City of Calgary and the sociological questions behind the sprawl. The objective is to discuss the recent approval of new communities, but more importantly to discuss the reason of the sprawl as a global phenomenon and its consequences in the long term. The goal is that the elements discussed can be used in future discussions about urban sprawl in Calgary that might be in a different context. Learn more.

Sarah Elmeligi Profile Picture

Aqila Walji 

Journey through the Grasslands: A Nature Walk for the South Asian Community

Aqila's project will bring the South Asian community together to explore and learn about protecting the land. We will discuss how colonization directly affected the transformation of the landscape, evolution of biodiversity, and the native and invasive species. These conversations will help lay the groundwork for stewardship and conservation to take place and foster a feeling of kinship between individuals and the land. Learn more.           

Sabrina Ryans Profile Picture


Essay on the Grasslands

An academic essay highlighting the importance of grasslands, threats to the biome, as well as vital ecosystem services that it provides. Learn more.